In the borough of Gettysburg there were 97 occupations according to the 1860 census. While we are familiar with the farms surrounding the town where much of the battle was fought, we probably don’t think there were too many farmers living in the town. There were 18.
On a cold, windy Wednesday, the Gettysburg Daily visited one of those sites, the Henry Culp Farm at 301 East Middle Street.
Here is a listing of Gettysburg residents who claimed that they were Farmers:
Beitler, Daniel (circa 1782-) (White) Gettysburg, Adams County, Pennsylvania resident in 1860
Benner, Christian (circa 1795-) (White) Gettysburg, Adams County, Pennsylvania resident in 1860
Benner, Jacob (circa 1806-) (White) Gettysburg, Adams County, Pennsylvania resident in 1860
Culp, Henry (circa 1809-) (White) Gettysburg, Adams County, Pennsylvania resident in 1860
Fry, Peter (circa 1784-) (White) Gettysburg, Adams County, Pennsylvania resident in 1860
Hanaway, Ephraim (circa 1798-) (White) Gettysburg, Adams County, Pennsylvania resident 1860
Houck, John (1787-) (White) Gettysburg, Adams County, Pennsylvania resident in 1860
Longwell, Hamilton (circa 1800-) (White) Gettysburg, Adams County, Pennsylvania resident 1860
Martin, John (1801-1879) (White) Gettysburg, Adams County, Pennsylvania resident in 1860
McMillan, David (circa 1800-) (White) Gettysburg, Adams County, Pennsylvania resident in 1860
Snyder, Conrad (1805-1860) (White) Gettysburg, Adams County, Pennsylvania resident in 1860
Utz, Henry (circa 1815-) (White) Gettysburg, Adams County, Pennsylvania resident in 1860
Wantz, Henry (1811-1863) (White) Gettysburg, Adams County, Pennsylvania resident in 1860
Welty, Henry (circa 1802-) (White) Gettysburg, Adams County, Pennsylvania resident in 1860
Will, Charles (circa 1812-) (White) Gettysburg, Adams County, Pennsylvania resident in 1860
Will, Jacob (circa 1840-) (White) Gettysburg, Adams County, Pennsylvania resident in 1860
Will, John (circa 1838-) (White) Gettysburg, Adams County, Pennsylvania resident in 1860
Ziegler, John L. (circa 1829-) (White) Gettysburg, Adams County, Pennsylvania resident in 1860
Number of Gettysburg, Adams County, Pennsylvania Farmers according to the 1860 federal census: 18, or 3% of Gettysburg, Adams County, Pennsylvania residents who listed an occupation (684). This placed Farmers 10th in rank among Gettysburg occupations (97).Average age of Gettysburg, Adams County, Pennsylvania Farmers (18) according to the 1860 federal census: 53 (Youngest 20, Oldest 78)
Total economic wealth possessed by Gettysburg, Adams County, Pennsylvania Farmers (18) according to the 1860 federal census: $98,000, or 7% of the total economic wealth, $1,502,245, possessed by Gettysburg, Adams County, Pennsylvania residents (2390). This placed Farmers 3rd in rank among Gettysburg occupations (97).
Total economic wealth possessed by male Gettysburg, Adams County, Pennsylvania residents who listed their occupation as a Farmer (18) according to the 1860 federal population census: $98,000, or 9% of the total economic wealth, $1,144,765, possessed by Gettysburg, Adams County, Pennsylvania residents who listed an occupation (684)
Total economic wealth possessed by male Gettysburg, Adams County, Pennsylvania residents who listed their occupation as a Farmer (18) according to the 1860 federal population census: $98,000, or 9% of the total economic wealth, $1,129,640, possessed by Gettysburg, Adams County, Pennsylvania male residents who listed an occupation (562)
Total economic wealth possessed by male Gettysburg, Adams County, Pennsylvania residents who listed their occupation as a Farmer (18) according to the 1860 federal population census: $98,000, or 7% of the total economic wealth, $1,350,870, possessed by male Gettysburg, Adams County, Pennsylvania residents (1182)
Average economic wealth possessed by Gettysburg, Adams County, Pennsylvania Farmers (18) according to the 1860 federal census: $5444.44. This placed Farmers 9th in rank among Gettysburg occupations (97).
Gender division of Gettysburg, Adams County, Pennsylvania Farmers (18) according to the 1860 federal census: Male 18, or 100% of Gettysburg Farmers (18) and 3% of male Gettysburg residents ages 18 and over in 1860 (643).
The Henry Culp Farm and Springhouse. The Springhouse is the small white structure to the right of the main farm buildings. This view is from the southwest facing northeast at approximately 4:40 PM, Wednesday, February 27, 2008.
Place of birth division of the Gettysburg, Adams County, Pennsylvania Farmers (18) according to the 1860 federal census: Delaware 1, or 6% of Gettysburg Farmers (18).Maryland 1, or 6% of Gettysburg Farmers (18).Pennsylvania 16, or 89% of Gettysburg Farmers (18).
Culp’s Hill and McKnight’s Hill (Stevens Knoll) from the Henry Culp Farm. Under magnification, one can see the Culp’s Hill tower. Also under magnification, one can see the statue of Major General Henry Slocum on Stevens Knoll. This view is from the north facing south at approximately 4:35 PM, Wednesday, February 27, 2008.
Race division of the Gettysburg, Adams County, Pennsylvania Farmers (18) according to the 1860 federal census: White 18, or 100% of Gettysburg Farmers (18).