Gettysburg Daily

Thaddeus Stevens’ Iron Works Part 2 With Licensed Battlefield Guide Dave Weaver

Licensed Battlefield Guide Dave Weaver is a 23 year veteran of the guide force, a wildlife artist, and a recently returned veteran from Iraq. Dave served as a Captain (Staff Officer) in an infantry unit for the United States Army. He is standing in Caledonia State Park on South Mountain, approximately 14 miles west of Gettysburg. The rebuilt furnace of the Caledonia Iron Works is in the background. This view was taken facing northeast at approximately 3:45 PM on Sunday, August 2, 2009.

The Caledonia Iron Works, located on South Mountain was owned by Congressman Thaddeus Stevens from 1837 until the 1860s. The Iron Works were destroyed by Confederate Major-General Jubal Early in 1863. Gettysburg Licensed Battlefield Guide Dave Weaver and Thaddeus Stevens Society President Ross Hetrick show us some locations at the site.

In our first Caledonia post, Gettysburg Licensed Battlefield Guide Dave Weaver introduced us to Caledonia State Park and Thaddeus Stevens Society President Ross Hetrick shows us the Blacksmith Shop.

In today’s post, Dave Weaver shows us the rebuilt furnace, the location of the water wheel to power the bellows, and the mill race.

For more information on the Thaddeus Stevens Society, click on this link:

For more information on Caledonia State Park, click on this link:

This map shows the location of where our videos were produced on the Thaddeus Stevens Iron Works. Video #1 was taken on the south side of US Highway 30, southeast of the Thaddeus Stevens Blacksmith Shop. Video #2 was taken east of the Blacksmith Shop. Video #3 was taken in the Blacksmith Shop. Video #4 was taken west of the Blacksmith Shop. Video #5 was taken in front of the reconstructed furnace. Video #6 was taken at the location of the water wheel. Video #7 was taken north of the Thaddeus Stevens Blacksmith Shop. Video #8 was taken near Carbaugh Creek. This map was created facing north at approximately 5:00 PM on Saturday, August 8, 2009.

This map shows the location of some of the structures and features relating to the Caledonia Iron Works. Note the location of the furnace and the water wheel. The structure labeled “shop area” is where the Thaddeus Stevens Blacksmith Shop is now located.

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In Video #5 (Videos #1-#4 were shown in our previous Caledonia Iron Works posts) Gettysburg Licensed Battlefield Guide Dave Weaver shows us the rebuilt furnace stack at Caledonia, and shows us the last iron beam created at Thaddeus Stevens Maria Furnace. This view was taken facing northeast at approximately 3:45 PM on Sunday, August 2, 2009.

Another view of the rebuilt furnace. This view was taken facing northeast at approximately 3:45 PM on Sunday, August 2, 2009.

This is the collapsed original furnace. The inner crucible lining is visible. The present reconstructed furnace was made from the rubble of the original furnace. This view was taken facing northeast circa the 1880s.

The furnace after it was rebuilt in the 1930s. This view was taken facing northwest circa the 1930s.

The features now on the furnace include a plaque and the last iron item cast at the Maria Furnace near Fairfield. This view was taken facing south at approximately 3:45 PM on Sunday, August 2, 2009.

A closer view of the plaque. This view was taken facing east at approximately 3:45 PM on Sunday, August 2, 2009.

There are three waysides in front of (southwest of) the rebuilt furnace. As you face the furnace, here is the wayside on the left…This view was taken facing north at approximately 3:45 PM on Sunday, August 2, 2009.

…the wayside in the middle…This view was taken facing northeast at approximately 3:45 PM on Sunday, August 2, 2009.

…and the wayside on the right. This view was taken facing northeast at approximately 3:45 PM on Sunday, August 2, 2009.

Although the Confederates destroyed the iron works in 1863, Caledonia Furnace and Iron Works still operated until 1874. The building on the far right is now the Thaddeus Stevens Blacksmith Shop. Above the blacksmith shop is the stone structure which was the furnace. The building above the furnace was the Loading House. The foundation of the structure to the left of the Thaddeus Stevens Blacksmith Shop was the Casting House. The Confederates destroyed the Casting House. This view was taken facing northeast circa the late 1860s (according to Caledonia State Park).

There was a sawmill operated at the furnace site by Caledonia Mining and Manufacturing Company. This is the front part of the sawmill…This view was taken facing northeast circa the 1880s.

…this is the back of the sawmill. This view was taken facing northeast circa the 1880s.

Licensed Battlefield Guide Dave Weaver is crouching on the location of the water wheel and the mill race which was built in 1837. Over the years, the water wheels located here supplied power to the bellows of the furnace, the rolling mill, and the saw mill. This view was taken facing northeast at approximately 3:45 PM on Sunday, August 2, 2009.

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In Video #6 Licensed Battlefield Guide Dave Weaver shows us the location of the stream and the water wheel used to power different operations in this area. This view was taken facing north to southeast to northeast to southwest at approximately 3:45 PM on Sunday, August 2, 2009.

The following pictures are some views of the water wheel(s) located on the mill race. This view was taken circa the 1880s.

This view was taken circa the 1880s.

This view was taken circa the 1880s.

This view was taken circa the 1880s.

A modern view of the mill race. This view was taken facing north at approximately 3:45 PM on Sunday, August 2, 2009.

Dave is standing by the water of the mill race as it falls towards Carbaugh Creek. This view was taken facing east at approximately 3:45 PM on Sunday, August 2, 2009.

Gettysburg Licensed Battlefield Guide Dave Weaver has now moved behind the Thaddeus Stevens Blacksmith Shop. This view was taken facing south at approximately 3:45 PM on Sunday, August 2, 2009.

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In Video #7 Dave Weaver is standing behind Thaddeus Stevens’ Blacksmith Shop. Dave tells of the movements of Jubal Early’s Confederate Division after they left Caledonia. This view was taken facing south to southeast to south at approximately 3:45 PM on Sunday, August 2, 2009.

Dave Weaver is now standing by the foot bridge leading over Carbaugh Creek. This view was taken facing northeast at approximately 3:45 PM on Sunday, August 2, 2009.

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In Video #8 Gettysburg Licensed Battlefield Guide Dave Weaver is standing near Carbaugh Run in Caledonia State Park. He describes some of the recreational opportunities available at Caledonia. This view was taken facing north to northwest to north at approximately 3:45 PM on Sunday, August 2, 2009.

To see other posts by Gettysburg Licensed Battlefield Guides, click here.