On Sunday morning, we took a walk along the Emmitsburg Road Ridge to take some pictures of the monuments and the trees in the area as the sun came up. The monument is to the 1st Massachusetts Infantry Regiment. The marker on the right is to Perry’s Florida Brigade. This view was taken facing west at approximately 7:30 AM on Sunday, October 30, 2011.
Approximately five inches of heavy, wet, snow came to the Gettysburg area on Saturday, October 30, 2011. For those visiting Gettysburg, Saturday was not a good day to be touring the battlefield in the driving snow. The snow also caused trees to fall on a monument and a cannon. But on Sunday morning, the first snow of the season looked quite interesting as it contrasted with the leaves, many of which were still on the trees.
We started our walk along Sickles Avenue behind the Klingel House. The barn in the center background is at the Abraham Trostle Farm. Little Round Top is above the barn and to its right. Big Round Top is to the right of Little Round Top. This view was taken facing southeast at approximately 7:30 AM on Sunday, October 30, 2011.
The Klingel Barn, was built circa 1880. The monument in the left background, along the Emmitsburg Road, is to the 11th New Jersey Infantry Regiment. This view was taken facing west at approximately 7:30 AM on Sunday, October 30, 2011.
The Klingel Barn is on the left. The back of the Klingel House is the white structure in the center background. There are also fruit trees in the foreground. This view was taken facing west at approximately 7:30 AM on Sunday, October 30, 2011.
The Klingel House is the larger white structure on the left. The monument to the 12th New Hampshire Infantry Regiment is in the right background. This view was taken facing west 7:30 AM on Sunday, October 30, 2011.
Looking back to Cemetery Ridge. The tall, obelisk monument in the left background is to the United States Regulars. The dome shaped monument in the center background is the Pennsylvania Memorial. This view was taken facing northeast at approximately 7:30 AM on Sunday, October 30, 2011.
A closer view of the Pennsylvania State Monument. This view was taken facing northeast at approximately 7:30 AM on Sunday, October 30, 2011.
We’ll continue walking north along Sickles Avenue. On the far left, on the west side of the Emmitsburg Road is the monument to the 5th New Jersey Infantry Regiment. The tallest trees at the end of Sickles Avenue and just to the left of the avenue mark the site of the Rogers House. The marker to the right of Sickles Avenue is to Willard’s Brigade. The buildings in the right background are at the Codori Farm. The trees above the Codori Farm are at Ziegler’s Grove on Cemetery Hill. This view was taken facing northeast at approximately 7:30 AM on Sunday, October 30, 2011.
The monument to Willard’s Brigade. The dome-shaped Pennsylvania State Monument is outlined by the rising sun on Cemetery Ridge. This image was created facing northeast at approximately 7:30 AM on Sunday, October 30, 2011.
The marker for Humphreys’ Division was taken just as the sun was beginning to rise… This view was taken facing east at approximately 7:30 AM on Sunday, October 30, 2011.
…as was the marker for Carr’s Brigade of Humphreys’ Division. This view was taken facing southwest at approximately 7:45 AM on Sunday, October 30, 2011.
As we near the junction of the Emmitsburg Road with Sickles Avenue, we see the monuments to Brigadier General Andrew A. Humphreys on the left, and the 11th Massachusetts Infantry Regiment on the right. This view was taken facing northeast at approximately 7:45 AM on Sunday, October 30, 2011.
The monument to the 11th Massachusetts was dedicated on October 8, 1885. The top of the monument, which was an arm holding a sword, was damaged by vandals on February 16, 2006. This view was taken facing east at approximately 7:45 AM on Sunday, October 30, 2011.
The monument to Brigadier General Andrew A. Humphreys was dedicated in the fall of 1914. Little Round Top is the snow covered hill in the left background. This view was taken facing southeast at approximately 7:45 AM on Sunday, October 30, 2011.
On the other (west) side of the Emmitsburg Road is the monument to the 1st Massachusetts Infantry Regiment. The monument was dedicated on July 1, 1886. This view was taken facing west at approximately 7:45 AM on Sunday, October 30, 2011.
These trees mark the site of the Rogers House. This view was taken facing southwest at approximately 7:45 AM on Sunday, October 30, 2011.
One more view of the Humphreys’ monument and the 11th Massachusetts Monument as we walk start to walk south along the Emmitsburg Road. This view was taken facing southeast at approximately 7:45 AM on Sunday, October 30, 2011.
This photo is to show the relationship of the Rogers House site to the 1st Massachusetts Monument, which is in the right background. This view was taken facing northwest at approximately 7:45 AM on Sunday, October 30, 2011.
The monument to Company G, 1st United States Sharpshooters. They were raised in Wisconsin. This view was taken facing west at approximately 7:45 AM on Sunday, October 30, 2011.
The monument was dedicated on July 2, 1888. This view was taken facing northeast at approximately 7:45 AM on Sunday, October 30, 2011.
One of the best books on Gettysburg’s monuments is this book by Licensed Battlefield Guide Fred Hawthorne. For ordering information, click here
. This image was copied facing north at approximately 6:00 PM on Sunday, October 30, 2011.