Gettysburg Daily

Licensed Battlefield Guide Rich Goedkoop: The Iron Brigade Part 3

Licensed Battlefield Guide Rich Goedkoop: The Iron Brigade Part 3
Licensed Battlefield Guide Rich Goedkoop: The Iron Brigade Part 3
Lieutenant Colonel Rufus Dawes (1838-1899) of the 6th Wisconsin Infantry Regiment was born on the 4th of July in Marietta, Ohio. He graduated from Marietta College in 1860, and was working in Wisconsin when the Civil War began. He was elected Captain of a company which later became Company K of the 6th Wisconsin. This view, taken circa the 1860s, is courtesy of Richard Goedkoop.

Gettysburg Licensed Battlefield Guide Dr. Rich Goedkoop is the host for a series on Iron Brigade of the United States’ Army of the Potomac. He is a professor of Communication at LaSalle University. Rich began his professional career in education as a Graduate Assistant at Central Michigan University. He received his Masters there in 1977 and went on to Pennsylvania State University to receive his Doctorate in 1980. Rich joined La Salle that same year. Throughout his career, Rich has taken an active interest in news and public affairs television programming which inspired his book, Inside Local Television News (1988). His numerous reviews and articles have appeared in such publications as Journalism Quarterly, The Journal of Broadcasting, Feedback, and Critical Studies in Mass Communication.

Dr. Goedkoop was the host for our series on John F. Kennedy’s visit to Gettysburg.

Rich Goedkoop writes, “I appreciate the contributions of Gettysburg Licensed Battlefield Guides Stuart Dempsey and Cliff Detweiler in helping me put together this series, and Ms. Anne Gallon of Gallon Historical Art, Gettysburg, PA ( for the gracious use of four of Dale Gallon’s paintings for illustrations of key moments of the Iron Brigade at Gettysburg.”

To contact Richard Goedkoop, click here to reveal his email address.

In our first Iron Brigade post, Rich Goedkoop introduces us to the Iron Brigade series, explains how the unit was organized at the beginning of the war, and describes their distinctive uniform.

In the second Iron Brigade post, Gettysburg Licensed Battlefield Guide Richard Goedkoop explains how the Iron Brigade acquired its nickname, and discusses their actions in the battles of Brawner’s Farm and Antietam.

In today’s Iron Brigade post, Gettysburg Licensed Battlefield Guide Richard Goedkoop describes the makeup of the First Division of the First Corps, and in particular, the 6th Wisconsin.

This map shows the location of the videos for Iron Brigade posts. Video #1 was taken on West McPherson’s Ridge near the location where Stone Avenue enters Herbst’s/McPherson’s/Reynolds’ Woods. Video #2 was taken near the Iron Brigade plaque in Herbst’s Woods. Video #3 was taken near the monument to the 24th Michigan in Herbst’s Woods. Video #4 was taken by the monument to the 2nd Wisconsin Infantry Regiment. Video #5 was taken near the monument to the 7th Wisconsin Infantry Regiment. Video #6 was taken near the monument to the 19th Indiana Infantry Regiment. Videos #7 and 9 were taken near the monument to the 6th Wisconsin Infantry Regiment. Video #8 was taken near Reynolds Avenue on the north side of the railroad cut. This map was created facing north at approximately 1:30 PM on Sunday, August 29, 2010.

Gettysburg Licensed Battlefield Guide Rich Goedkoop is the host for the Iron Brigade series. He is standing south of the railroad cut near the monument to the 6th Wisconsin Infantry Regiment. This view was taken east at approximately 2:45 PM on Saturday, July 17, 2010.

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In Video #7 (Videos #s 1-6 were shown in our previous Iron Brigade post) Gettysburg Licensed Battlefield Guide Rich Goedkoop is standing near the monument to the 6th Wisconsin Infantry Regiment. He presents Lieutenant Colonel Rufus Dawes’ impression of Major General John Gibbon. This view was taken facing east at approximately 2:45 PM on Saturday, July 17, 2010.

Licensed Battlefield Guide Richard Goedkoop is standing near Reynolds Avenue, north of the railroad cut. The left flank marker to the 147th New York is by his left foot. In the right background is the monument to the 3rd Indiana Cavalry Regiment. To the left of Rich is the monument to the 147th New York Infantry Regiment of Cutler’s Brigade. To the left of the 147th New York is the monument to division commander, Brigadier General James Wadsworth. On the left (west) side of Reynolds Avenue is the brigade marker to Joseph Davis’ Confederate brigade. The Eternal Light Peace Memorial (Peace Light) is in the left background on Oak Hill. This view was taken facing northeast at approximately 2:45 PM on Saturday, July 17, 2010.

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In Video #8 Licensed Battlefield Guide Rich Goedkoop explains the makeup of the First Division (Wadsworth) of the First Corps (Reynolds). This view was taken facing northeast at approximately 2:45 PM on Saturday, July 17, 2010.

Richard Goedkoop is standing south of the railroad cut, near the monument to the 6th Wisconsin Infantry Regiment. Vehicles are traveling on the Chambersburg Pike, which is running right to left (northwest to southeast). In the left background is the white steeple on the 1942 chapel at the Lutheran Theological Seminary. This view was taken facing southeast at approximately 2:45 PM on Saturday, July 17, 2010.

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In Video #9 Rich Goedkoop introduces us to the 6th Wisconsin and Rufus Dawes. This view was taken facing southeast at approximately 2:45 PM on Saturday, July 17, 2010.

A closer view of the monument to the 6th Wisconsin Infantry Regiment, shows that they were “first in everything.” This view was taken facing southwest at approximately 2:45 PM on Saturday, July 17, 2010.

Every Iron Brigade Monument, except for the 19th Indiana, shows their distinctive hat. This view was taken facing southwest at approximately 2:45 PM on Saturday, July 17, 2010.
Some statistics from the Iron Brigade’s action at Gettysburg.

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