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Licensed Battlefield Guide Rich Bellamy: Cutler’s Brigade Part 7

Licensed Battlefield Guide Rich Bellamy: Cutler’s Brigade Part 7

Licensed Battlefield Guide Rich Bellamy: Cutler’s Brigade Part 7

Gettysburg Licensed Battlefield Guide Rich Bellamy is standing on West McPherson’s Ridge. The equestrian statue to United States’ Major General John F. Reynolds is behind Rich. Sheads’ Woods on Seminary Ridge are seen in the left background. The Chambersburg Pike is in the right background. This view was taken facing southeast at approximately 5:30 PM on Tuesday, June 22, 2010.

Gettysburg Licensed Battlefield Guide Rich Bellamy is the host for our series on Cutler’s Brigade of the United States’ Army of the Potomac.

To contact Rich by e-mail, please click here to reveal his email address.

In our first Cutler’s Brigade post Gettysburg Licensed Battlefield Guide Rich Bellamy provided background on division commander Brigadier General James Wadsworth, the 104th New York Infantry Regiment, and the brigade commander, Brigadier General Lysander Cutler.

In the second Cutler’s Brigade post Gettysburg Licensed Battlefield Guide Rich Bellamy discussed three regiments in Cutler’s Brigade, the 76th, 84th, and 147th New York Infantry regiments.

In our third Cutler’s Brigade post Gettysburg LBG Rich Bellamy discussed two regiments in Cutler’s Brigade, the 56th Pennsylvania and 95th New York, and a regiment in the Iron Brigade- the 6th Wisconsin.

In the fourth Cutler’s Brigade post, Gettysburg Licensed Battlefield Guide Rich Bellamy visited Emmitsburg, Maryland, the monument to Hall’s Maine Battery, and the marker for Confederate Brigadier General Joseph Davis’ Brigade.

In the fifth Cutler’s Brigade post, Rich Bellamy showed us where Cutler’s and Meredith’s Brigades were camped along Marsh Creek, and how they cut across the fields near the Codori Farm as a shortcut to Seminary Ridge.

In the sixth Cutler’s Brigade post, Gettysburg Licensed Battlefield Guide Rich Bellamy showed us where Cutler’s Brigade crossed Seminary Ridge, and how they moved into position on McPherson’s Ridge.

In today’s post on Cutler’s Brigade, Gettysburg Licensed Battlefield Guide Rich Bellamy shows the position of James Hall’s 2nd Maine Battery on West McPherson Ridge, the first position of the 95th New York and the 14th Brooklyn on West McPherson’s Ridge, and the position of William Pegram’s Confederate Artillery Battalion on Herr’s Ridge.

This map shows the location of the videos for Cutler’s Brigade posts. Videos #1-#17 were shown in our previous posts on Cutler’s Brigade. Video #16 was taken at the location where the Fairfield Road/Hagerstown Road/Middle Street crosses Seminary Ridge. Video #17 was taken near the Chambersburg Pike on the west side of Seminary Ridge. Video #18 was taken on West McPherson’s Ridge near the monument to Hall’s 2nd Maine Battery. Video #19 was taken near the marker to the 14th Brooklyn near Herbst’s/McPherson’s/Reynolds’ Woods. Video #20 was taken near the Herr Tavern on Herr’s Ridge. This map was created facing north at approximately 8:00 AM on Sunday, June 27, 2010.

In Video #18 (Videos #1-#17 were shown in our previous Cutler’s Brigade posts) Gettysburg Licensed Battlefield Guide Rich Bellamy is standing on West McPherson’s Ridge, near the Chambersburg Pike. He describes how Major General John F. Reynolds placed Hall’s Maine Battery here to draw Confederate artillery fire away from Union infantry coming into position near this area. This view was taken facing southeast to south to northwest to southwest at approximately 5:30 PM on Tuesday, June 22, 2010.

Licensed Battlefield Guide Rich Bellamy is standing on West McPherson’s Ridge near Stone Avenue. He is pointing out the marker showing the first position of the 95th New York in this area. This view was taken facing southeast at approximately 5:30 PM on Tuesday, June 22, 2010.

This marker to the 95th New York needs some vegetation removed before it disappears. This view was taken facing east at approximately 5:30 PM on Tuesday, June 22, 2010.

Licensed Battlefield Guide Rich Bellamy is standing behind the marker to the 14th Brooklyn/84th New York Infantry Regiment on West McPherson’s Ridge. Visible in the left background is the white steeple for the 1942 chapel at the Lutheran Theological Seminary on Seminary Ridge. The car in the left background is on East McPherson’s Ridge. The woods behind Rich are Herbst’s/Reynolds’/McPherson’s Woods. This view was taken facing southeast at approximately 5:30 PM on Tuesday, June 22, 2010.

In Video #19 Licensed Battlefield Guide Rich Bellamy is standing on West McPherson’s Ridge near McPherson’s/Herbst’s/Reynolds’ Woods. He explains how Major General John F. Reynolds came to this area to speak with the Colonel of the 14th Brooklyn, Edward Fowler, before riding to the east side of the woods where he was killed. Rich also tells how John Burns approached Colonel Fowler of the 14th Brooklyn to fight in this area. This view was taken facing southeast to northwest to south to northwest at approximately 5:30 PM on Tuesday, June 22, 2010.

Rich Bellamy is standing on Herr’s Ridge near the Chambersburg Pike. The Herr Tavern is in the background. The original part of this complex is the brick structure on the right. This view was taken facing northwest at approximately 5:30 PM on Tuesday, June 22, 2010.

In Video #20 Rich Bellamy is standing on Herr’s Ridge near Herr’s Tavern. He points out the position taken by William Pegram’s Confederate Artillery Battalion on July 1, 1863. This view was taken facing north to east to southeast to northeast to east at approximately 5:30 PM on Tuesday, June 22, 2010.

Some statistics of Cutler’s Brigade. This list was provided by Rich Bellamy.

To see other posts by Gettysburg Licensed Battlefield Guides, click here.