The David Wills House, where President Abraham Lincoln stayed the night before giving his Gettysburg Address, now has some white stenciling around its red bricks. This is part of a $35,000 project to paint the exterior of the building located on Gettysburg’s Lincoln Square, or Diamond, or Circle.
See our post on the Wills House needing a new manager on September 12, 2008.
See our post on the first coat of red paint completely covering the north side on September 4, 2008.
See our post on red paint beginning to cover the north side on September 3, 2008.
See our post on only the west side still had red paint on August 19, 2008.
See our post on the west side started to be painted red on August 13, 2008.
See our previous post on the Wills House’s sidewalk construction on July 21, 2008.
See our post on the Diamond at Gettysburg early in the morning on March 2, 2008.
Adair, William (circa 1833-) (White) Gettysburg, Adams County, Pennsylvania resident in 1860
Culp, David (circa 1810-) (White) Gettysburg, Adams County, Pennsylvania resident in 1860
Flegal, Martin (circa 1838-) (White) Gettysburg, Adams County, Pennsylvania resident in 1860
Fleigel, Samuel (circa 1832-) (White) Straban Township, Adams County, Pennsylvania resident in 1860
Keiser, Conrad (circa 1813-) (White) Gettysburg, Adams County, Pennsylvania resident in 1860
Kuhn, John (circa 1811-) (White) Gettysburg, Adams County, Pennsylvania resident in 1860
McCreary, Samuel (circa 1800-) (White) Gettysburg, Adams County, Pennsylvania resident in 1860
Palm, Alfred (circa 1832-) (Black) Gettysburg, Adams County, Pennsylvania resident in 1860
Palm, Alfred (circa 1835-) (Black) Cumberland Township, Adams County, Pennsylvania resident in 1860
Strickland, Peter (circa 1839-) (White) Gettysburg, Adams County, Pennsylvania resident in 1860
This view was taken from the north facing south at approximately 4:15 PM on Tuesday, October 14, 2008.

We’ll show you below this picture some statistics for individuals who lived in Gettysburg (not Straban Township or Cumberland Township) and who were listed as brick makers on the 1860 Federal Census. This view was taken from the northwest facing southeast at approximately 4:15 PM on Tuesday, October 14, 2008.
Number of Gettysburg, Adams County, Pennsylvania Brick Makers according to the 1860 federal census: 8, or 1% of Gettysburg, Adams County, Pennsylvania residents who listed an occupation (684). This tied Brick Makers for 23rd in rank among Gettysburg occupations (97).
Average age of Gettysburg, Adams County, Pennsylvania Brick Makers (8) according to the 1860 federal census: 38 (Youngest 21, Oldest 60)
Total economic wealth possessed by Gettysburg, Adams County, Pennsylvania Brick Makers (8) according to the 1860 federal census: $4950, or .003% of the total economic wealth, $1,502,245, possessed by Gettysburg, Adams County, Pennsylvania residents (2390). This placed Brick Makers 33rd in rank among Gettysburg occupations (97).
Total economic wealth possessed by male Gettysburg, Adams County, Pennsylvania residents who listed their occupation as a Brick Maker (8) according to the 1860 federal population census: $4950, or .004% of the total economic wealth, $1,144,765, possessed by Gettysburg, Adams County, Pennsylvania residents who listed an occupation (684)
Total economic wealth possessed by male Gettysburg, Adams County, Pennsylvania residents who listed their occupation as a Brick Maker (8) according to the 1860 federal population census: $4950, or .004% of the total economic wealth, $1,129,640 possessed by Gettysburg, Adams County, Pennsylvania male residents who listed an occupation (562)
Total economic wealth possessed by male Gettysburg, Adams County, Pennsylvania residents who listed their occupation as a Brick Maker (8) according to the 1860 federal population census: $4950, or .004% of the total economic wealth, $1,350,870, possessed by male Gettysburg, Adams County, Pennsylvania residents (1182)
Average economic wealth possessed by Gettysburg, Adams County, Pennsylvania Brick Makers (8) according to the 1860 federal census: $618.75. This placed Brick Makers 44th in rank among Gettysburg occupations (97).
Gender division of Gettysburg, Adams County, Pennsylvania Brick Makers (8) according to the 1860 federal census: Male 8, or 100% of Gettysburg Brick Makers (8) and 1% of male Gettysburg, Adams County, Pennsylvania residents ages 18 and over in 1860 (643).
Place of birth division of the Gettysburg, Adams County, Pennsylvania Brick Makers (8) according to the 1860 federal census:
Germany 2, or 25% of Gettysburg Brick Makers (8).
Pennsylvania 6, or 75% of Gettysburg Brick Makers (8).
Race division of the Gettysburg, Adams County, Pennsylvania Brick Makers (8) according to the 1860 federal census:
Black 1, or 12% of Gettysburg Brick Makers (8).
White 7, or 88% of Gettysburg Brick Makers (8).