Gettysburg Daily

Evergreen Cemetery Part 5 With Licensed Battlefield Guide Deb Novotny

Gettysburg Licensed Battlefield Guide Deb Novotny is standing near the Mary Thompson family plot in Evergreen Cemetery. This view was taken facing northwest at approximately 3:45 PM on Sunday, September 6, 2009.

Gettysburg Licensed Battlefield Guide Deb Novotny is a retired American History Teacher from Gettysburg High School. She has been a Licensed Battlefield Guide since 1975 and serves on the board of the Evergreen Cemetery Association. She is our host for our series on Evergreen Cemetery, Gettysburg’s civilian cemetery.

In the first Evergreen Cemetery post, Deb showed us the headstones damaged during the battle.

In our second post she introduced us to the cemetery, and showed us the statue of Elizabeth Thorn and the plot where some soldiers killed during the battle are buried.

In our third post she shows us the grave of Virginia “Ginnie/Jennie/Jenny” Wade, Jack Skelly, James Gettys, and the Thorn boys.

In our fourth post, Gettysburg Licensed Battlefield Guide Deb Novotny showed us the graves of the family of Solomon Powers.

In today’s post, Licensed Battlefield Guide Deb Novotny shows us the graves of the family of Mary Thompson, at whose house Robert E. Lee had his headquarters during the Battle of Gettysburg.

This map shows the location of where our Evergreen Cemetery videos were produced. Videos #1- #14 were shown in our previous Evergreen Cemetery posts. Videos #15- #17 were taken at the family plot of Solomon Powers. Videos #18- #20 were taken at the Mary Thompson family plot. Video #21 was taken at the unmakred grave of Jane Thompson and her daughter, Jane Meade Thompson. This map was created facing north at approximately 7:15 PM on Thursday, September 10, 2009.

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In Video #18 (Videos #1-#17 were shown in our previous Evergreen Cemetery posts) Gettysburg Licensed Battlefield Guide Deb Novotny is in Evergreen Cemetery at the plot for the Mary Thompson Family. She provides a brief biography of the “Widow Thompson,” enlightens us that the youngest “veteran” of the Battle of Gettysburg was born at the Thompson House on June 30, 1863. This view was taken facing northwest at approximately 3:45 PM on Sunday, September 6, 2009.

A closer view of the Widow Mary Thompson’s stone. Confederate General Robert E. Lee had his headquarters at Thompson’s home during the Battle of Gettysburg. This view was taken facing northwest at approximately 3:45 PM on Sunday, September 6, 2009.

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In Video #19 Licensed Battlefield Guide Deb Novotny is in Evergreen Cemetery at the plot for the Mary Thompson Family. She describes how Thaddeus Stevens helped to save Mary Thompson’s House from creditors. This view was taken facing northwest at approximately 3:45 PM on Sunday, September 6, 2009.

The Mary Thompson plot is in the general area where the platform was located on November 19, 1863 during the dedication ceremonies of the Soldiers’ National Cemetery. This view was taken facing northwest at approximately 4:15 PM on Sunday, September 6, 2009.

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In Video #20 Deb is in Evergreen Cemetery at the plot for the Mary Thompson Family. She describes why Mary Thompson and Jane Thompson fed General Robert E. Lee when he occupied their home during the Battle of Gettysburg. She deftly presents the commonly used “Neil Diamond analogy.” This view was taken facing northwest at approximately 4:15 PM on Sunday, September 6, 2009.

Licensed Battlefield Guide Deb Novotny is studying her notes at the site of the unmarked graves of Jane Thompson, and her daughter, Jane Meade Thompson. This view was taken facing southwest at approximately 4:15 PM on Sunday, September 6, 2009.

The unmarked Thompson graves are behind (south of) this Weaver monument. This view was taken facing southwest at approximately 4:15 PM on Sunday, September 6, 2009.

Another view of the unmarked graves of Jane Thompson, and her daughter, Jane Meade Thompson. This view was taken facing southeast at approximately 4:15 PM on Sunday, September 6, 2009.

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In Video #21 Licensed Battlefield Guide Deb Novotny is in Evergreen Cemetery at the plot Jane Thompson and her daughter, Jane Meade Thompson. Their grave is unmarked. This view was taken facing southeast at approximately 4:15 PM on Sunday, September 6, 2009.

To see other posts by Gettysburg Licensed Battlefield Guides, click here.