Gettysburg Daily

Eleventh Corps at Gettysburg Part 26 With Licensed Battlefield Guide Stuart Dempsey

The Prussian-born Brigadier General Alexander Schimmelfennig (1824-1865) commanded a brigade in the Third Division of the Eleventh Corps. He was placed in command of the Third Division when Major General Carl Schurz commanded the Eleventh Corps. He hid from Confederates in the rear of the Henry Garlach House on Baltimore Street as the Eleventh Corps retreated through the town on July 1, 1863. In the fall of 1863 he commanded a brigade in the First Division of the Eleventh Corps and served in the Carolinas. He accepted the city of Charleston’s surrender on February 18, 1865. While in South Carolina he contacted what is believed to be tuberculosis and died in Wernersville, Pennsylvania on September 5, 1865. This image was taken circa the 1860s.

Gettysburg Licensed Battlefield Guide Stuart Dempsey is our host for a series on the Eleventh Army Corps during the Battle of Gettysburg. Stuart had two relatives in the Eleventh Corps (73rd Ohio Infantry Regiment) and both were killed/mortally wounded at Gettysburg. They are both buried in the National Cemetery. Stuart has been a Licensed Battlefield Guide since 2004.

Previous entries in the Eleventh Corps series can be found here.

In today’s Eleventh Corps post, Gettysburg Licensed Battlefield Guide Stuart Dempsey describes the corps’ retreat through the center of town and the south of town toward Cemetery Hill on July 1, 1863.

To email Licensed Battlefield Guide Stewart Dempsey, please click here to reveal his address.

This map shows the location of where our Eleventh Corps at Gettysburg videos were produced. Videos #1-#76 were shown on other maps on our previous posts. In Video #77 was taken at the town square or Diamond. Video #78 was taken on Baltimore Street at the Henry Garlach House. This map was created facing north at approximately 8:45 AM on Saturday, November 6, 2010.

Gettysburg Licensed Battlefield Guide Stuart Dempsey is standing in the Gettysburg town square or Diamond or Lincoln Square. The Gettysburg Hotel, site of the McClellan House in 1863, is in the left background. This view was taken facing northeast at approximately 7:45 AM on Sunday, August 1, 2010.

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In Video #77 (Videos #1-#76 were shown in our previous Eleventh Corps posts) Gettysburg Licensed Battlefield Guide Stuart Dempsey is standing in the Gettysburg town square or Diamond. He explains how Colonel Seraphim Meyers of the 107th Ohio Infantry Regiment attempted to rally soldiers in the square during the retreat to Cemetery Hill. This view was taken facing northeast at approximately 7:45 AM on Sunday, August 1, 2010.

Gettysburg Licensed Battlefield Guide Stuart Dempsey is standing by the Henry Garlach House on Baltimore Street. See our previous post on the action at the Garlach House on January 24, 2009. This view was taken facing southwest at approximately 7:45 AM on Sunday, August 1, 2010.

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In Video #78 Licensed Battlefield Guide Stuart Dempsey is standing at Baltimore Street near the Henry Garlach House. He explains how Brigadier Alexander Schimmelfennig hid here during the Confederate occupation of the town. This view was taken facing northwest at approximately 7:45 AM on Sunday, August 1, 2010.
Catherine Garlach was 41 years old during the Battle of Gettysburg. She fed Brigadier Alexander Schimmelfennig while he was hiding behind her Baltimore Street residence. This view was taken circa the 1880s.

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