Gettysburg Artwork Part 4 with Licensed Battlefield Guide Ed Guy
July 4, 2009
Gettysburg Licensed Battlefield Guide Ed Guy has now moved from the Pennsylvania Monument to the monument to the First Minnesota Infantry Regiment. It was dedicated on July 2, 1897. This view was taken facing north at approximately 10:00 AM on Monday, May 25, 2009.
We continue our series on artwork on some of the monuments at Gettysburg. In our first post, Gettysburg Licensed Battlefield Guide Ed Guy showed us items to note on the Virginia and Louisiana state monuments. In our second post he showed us the North Carolina State Monument, the monument to the 145th Pennsylvania, and the Irish Brigade Monument. In our third post he showed us some statues on the Pennsylvania State Memorial. In today’s post, Ed shows us the 1st Minnesota Monument, the Alfred Woolson Monument, and the Eternal Light Peace Memorial.
To see other posts by Gettysburg Licensed Battlefield Guides,click here.
This map shows the locations of the videos in this series. Videos #1-3 were taken at the Virginis State Monument. Videos #4-5 were taken at the Louisiana State Monument. Video #6 was taken at the North Carolina State Monument. Video #7 was taken at the monument to the 145th Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment. Videos #8 and #9 were taken at the Irish Brigade Monument. Videos #s 10-12 were taken at the Pennsylvania State Monument. Video #13 was taken at the First Minnesota Monument for July 2, 1863. Videos #14 and #15 were taken at the Albert Woolson Monument. Videos #16 and #17 were taken at the Eternal Light Peace Memorial. This map was created facing north at approximately 7:00 PM on Tuesday, June 23, 2009.
In Video #13 (Videos #s 1-12 were in our previous artwork posts) Gettysburg Licensed Battlefield Guide Ed Guy tells us about the monument to the First Minnesota Infantry Regiment marking their position on July 2, 1863. This view was taken facing north at approximately 10:00 AM on Monday, May 25, 2009.
The sculptor was Jacob Fjelde. The model for this bronze statue was a member of the 1st Minnesota, Samuel Smith. This view was taken facing north at approximately 7:00 PM on Tuesday, June 23, 2009.
Licensed Battlefield Guide Ed Guy is standing by the monument to Albert Woolson. This photograph was taken facing northeast at approximately 10:00 AM on Monday, May 25, 2009.
In Video #14 Licensed Battlefield Guide Ed Guy describes some features of the Albert Woolson monument. This view was taken facing northeast to southeast at approximately 10:00 AM on Monday, May 25, 2009.
The Albert Woolson statue was dedicated on September 12, 1956. This view was taken facing northeast at approximately 10:00 AM on Monday, May 25, 2009.
Albert Woolson, the last Union veteran, is looking across the fields of Pickett’s Charge. This photograph was taken facing southwest at approximately 10:00 AM on Monday, May 25, 2009.
Sculptor Avard Fairbanks (1897-1987) created over 100 monuments to historic figures. This photograph was taken facing north at approximately 10:00 AM on Monday, May 25, 2009.
Details on the left side of Albert Woolson’s face. This photograph was taken facing northeast at approximately 10:00 AM on Monday, May 25, 2009.
Details on the right side of Albert Woolson’s face. This photograph was taken facing southeast at approximately 10:00 AM on Monday, May 25, 2009.
The repepetive brush strokes on Albert Woolson’s pants. This photograph was taken facing southeast at approximately 10:00 AM on Monday, May 25, 2009.
The repepetive brush strokes on Albert Woolson’s arm. This photograph was taken facing northeast at approximately 10:00 AM on Monday, May 25, 2009.
In Video #15 Ed Guy describes some other works created by sculptor Avard Fairbanks. This view was taken facing northeast at approximately 10:00 AM on Monday, May 25, 2009.
Licensed Battlefield Guide Ed Guy is standing in front of (south of) the Eternal Light Peace Memorial. This photograph was taken facing north at approximately 10:00 AM on Monday, May 25, 2009.
In Video #16 Gettysburg Licensed Battlefield Guide Ed Guy points out how Lee O. Lawrie’s style changed from when he did three bronze sculptures on the Pennsylvania Monument in 1913 (monument completed in 1910, sculptures completed by 1913) to the figures on the Eternal Light Peace Memorial in 1938. This view was taken facing northeast at approximately 10:00 AM on Monday, May 25, 2009.
Lee O. Lawrie’s figures on the Eternal Light Peace Memorial are much different than the statues of David Birney, John F. Reynolds, and George G. Meade on the Pennsylvania Monument. This photograph was taken facing north at approximately 10:00 AM on Monday, May 25, 2009.
In Video #17 Ed Guy concludes our series on Gettysburg Artwork. This view was taken facing south to west to south at approximately 10:00 AM on Monday, May 25, 2009.
To see other posts by Gettysburg Licensed Battlefield Guides,click here.